Friday, April 24, 2009

The Final Countdown

As many of you state champions are doing some last-minute packing (bring shorts and sunscreen, especially if you're going to baseball games or Segway tours), a few of them are en route, and one team has already arrived!

The guys from Maysville High School, representing Missouri from the other side of the state, were generous enough to help NCL staff stuff goodie bags and clear up which state college is nicknamed Mizzou (it's the University of Missouri). A couple of them were interviewed by a local St. Louis Post-Dispatch reporter (we'll have to keep an eye out for a column this weekend), and one was quoted as being as ready as they'll ever be for the competition. So bring it on!

Yay! It's really happening! Safe travels, state champs! We'll see you tomorrow! And check out the blog tomorrow for a clue to the Scavenger Hunt you'll participate in when you arrive at the hotel.

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